Demonstration Center for Education

The Demonstration Center for Mechanical Engineering Experimental Teaching, formerly known as the National Education Base for Foundation Courses in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering), was approved as a state-level experimental education demonstration center in 2008. Supported by Tsinghua University’s mechanical engineering discipline group, the center builds upon the foundation laid by the National Education Base for Foundation Courses in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering). It has 8 laboratories: the Engineering Graphics Laboratory, the Mechanical Innovative Design Laboratory, the CAD Education Center, the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory, the Measurement and Control Technology Laboratory, the Analysis Laboratory of Structural Systems in Automotive Engineering, the Laboratory of Mechatronic Systems in Automotive Engineering, and the Laboratory of Styling Design in Automotive Engineering. These laboratories are established with the backing of their corresponding disciplines and progress in sync with the advancements in their respective fields.

Focusing on nurturing creative students with engineering literacy and the ability to comprehensively apply knowledge, the center has implemented a three-pronged education system comprising basic experimental education, innovation ability cultivation, and engineering proficiency development. This approach seamlessly aligns with Tsinghua University’s education philosophy that integrates “values shaping, skill development, and knowledge transfer”. Moreover, the center functions as a teaching and practice base for over 80 courses designed for both mechanical engineering and non-mechanical engineering majors across the university. Ranging from fundamental to specialized levels within both undergraduate and postgraduate programs, these courses cover mechanical engineering, optical engineering, instrument science and technology, aeronautical and astronautical science and technology, power engineering, engineering thermophysics, and other mechanical-related fields. Additionally, the center offers experimental courses regarding fundamental engineering graphics for material science and engineering, civil engineering, water conservancy engineering, electrical engineering, control science and engineering, and other disciplines. Each year, the center launches over 220 experimental projects that engage about 4,000 students from 84 majors across the university’s 39 departments. It successfully completes nearly 100,000 student hours dedicated to teaching and practical tasks. Moreover, the center actively supports the teaching of several course programs, including the National Level Excellent Resource Sharing Course, the National Quality Course, the Beijing Quality Course, and the Tsinghua University Quality Course. The center annually organizes a diverse array of extracurricular science and technology competitions, including the Mechanical Innovation Design Competition, the Mechanical City Maze Competition, the Freshmen Mechanical Creativity Competition, the Optoelectronic Design Competition, and the Freshman Instrument Design Competition. In collaboration with enterprises, the center has established multiple university-enterprise joint teaching laboratories. These include the Tsinghua University-Autodesk Digital Innovation Laboratory, the Tsinghua University-Infineon Automotive Electronics Joint Teaching Laboratory, the Tsinghua University-National Instruments Virtual Instrumentation Joint Laboratory, the Tsinghua University-NORCO Joint Teaching Laboratory, and the Tsinghua University-SENBO Embedded Computer Joint Laboratory, among others.

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Address:A401, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Wudaokou, Haidian District, Beijing(School Map)

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