Teaching Laboratory of Digital Design and Manufacturing

Mar 26, 2024

I. Main Experiments:

Leveraging the faculty resources of the department, the laboratory offers teaching practice in CAD, CAM, CAE, and PLM for over 50 courses across a range of majors, including both mechanical and non-mechanical disciplines, within the university. The teaching practice is designed for undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical engineering, covering a comprehensive range from fundamental to advanced levels. Each year, the laboratory delivers more than 50,000 student hours of teaching and practice tasks to about 3,000 students from the university’s 20 departments and more. It boasts a digital design and manufacturing virtual simulation teaching experiment platform that addresses the spectrum from fundamentals to cutting-edge developments. Catering to the diverse requirements of students across different majors and proficiency levels, this platform aims to nurture their problem-solving skills through the application of modern engineering tools. This goal aligns with the fundamental objectives of contemporary engineering education and plays an essential role in intelligent manufacturing.

II. Major Equipment:

The laboratory has over 150 sets of computers and workstations. It is equipped with various types of CAD/CAM/CAE design and simulation software. It has also developed its own courseware and guidebooks, such as Digital Design and Manufacturing Teaching Courseware, Product Data Management Learning Courseware, Digital Factory Teaching Courseware, Innovative Design Triz Theory Teaching Courseware, Project Management Experiment Guidebook, Fundamentals of Mechanical Design: CAD 3D Experiment Guidebook, Basic Tutorial on Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms, Fundamentals of Mechanical Design: CAD 2D Experiment Guidebook, Numerical Control Machining Teaching Courseware, Product Lifecycle Management Experiment Guidebook, Integrated Finite Element Analysis Experiment Guidebook, and Demand Forecasting Technology Experiment Guidebook, among others.

The Computer Room

III. Main Courses Supported:

CAD design courses: Engineering Graphics, Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, Fundamentals of Engineering Graphics, Fundamentals of Mechanical Design (1), Mechanical Drawing Practice.

CAM manufacturing courses: Manufacturing Engineering Information Technology, Numerical Control Technology, Integrated CAD/CAM, Introduction to Modern Manufacturing Systems and Experiments, Manufacturing Technology (I)

CAE finite element simulation courses: Manufacturing Equipment Design and Practice, Digital Analysis and Discussion of Modern Structures, Finite Element Analysis and Applications, Fundamentals of Engineering Finite Element Methods

PDM product data management courses: Production System Planning and Design, Modern Design Technology, Product Data Management (PDM) Technology, Modern CAD Technology

Every academic year, the laboratory hosts more than 2,800 students, with a total of over 49,000 student hours.

IV. Location and Directors:

Location: Room A302 and Room A303 (classrooms) and Room A324 (Duty Office), Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building (Open on workdays)

Laboratory Director: Wang Junying. Deputy Laboratory Director: Li Qiwen.


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Address:A401, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Wudaokou, Haidian District, Beijing(School Map)

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