
The curriculum at Tsinghua University uses semesters, as shown in the figure below. In the figure below, Fr, So, Jr, Se refers to freshman, sophomore, junior, senior respectively. We have 3 semesters per year, and 1, 2, 3 refer to autumn, spring, summer semester respectively. Fr-0 is the summer term before the autumn term for freshmen. During the summer semester, the practice courses are administered, which are mandatory for the program.


The distribution of credits in semesters

Tsinghua University uses the credit hour for courses, where 16 credit hours is equivalent to 1 credit. The graduates should complete at least 171 credits, including

1. Math & Basic Sciences: 34 credits (19.9% of the total)

2. Engineering Topics 93 (54.4% of the total)

- Fundamental Engineering: 23

> including IT courses, EE course, mechanics, fluid, and thermodynamics.

- Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering: 25

>including materials, design, manufacturing, materials processing, control, and measurement & testing.

- Major courses of ME: 16

- Engineering Practice: 14

- Diploma Thesis: 5

3. General Education 44 (25.7% of the total)


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