[1] Mingxuan Li, Lunwei Zhang, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Learning gentle grasping from human-free force control demonstration. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2025, 10(3): 2391-2398.
[2] Zhiyuan Chen, Tiemin Li, Licang Qin, Yao Jiang*. Vision-Guided Autonomous Block Loading in a Dual-Robot Collaborative Handling Framework. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2025, 151(5): 04025035.
[3] Yue Wang, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Center-of-Mass Location Estimation for Improving the Adaptability of Grasping Failure Recovery Policy. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2025. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2025.3544201.
[4] Qiyin Huang, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Enhancing Adaptivity of Two-Fingered Object Reorientation Using Tactile-based Online Optimization of Deconstructed Actions. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, USA, 19 May – 23 May, 2025.
[5] Lunwei Zhang, Siyuan Feng, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Evaluation, selection and validation of force reconstruction models for vision-based tactile sensors. Measurement, 2024, 226:114118.
[6] Mingxuan Li, Yen Hang Zhou, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Incipient slip-based rotation measurement via visuotactile sensing during in-hand object pivoting. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Japan, 13 May – 17 May, 2024.
[7] Zhiyuan Chen, Yixiao Feng, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Object-based terminal positioning solution within task-boosted global constraint for improving mobile robotic stacking accuracy. Adevanced Engineering Informatics, 2024, 60: 102521.
[8] Zhiyuan Chen, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Image-based visual servoing with collision-free path planning for monocular vision-guided assembly. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024, 73: 7508717.
[9] Mingxuan Li, Lunwei Zhang, Yen Hang Zhou, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. EasyCalib: Simple and Low-Cost In-Situ Calibration for Force Reconstruction with Vision-Based Tactile Sensors. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter, 2024, 9(9): 7803-7810.
[10] Jizhou Yan, Lunwei Zhang, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. A distributed force reconstruction mapping model with physical compactness and low computational cost for vision-based tactile sensors. Measurement, 2024, 238:115241.
[11] Mingxuan Li, Yen Hang Zhou, Lunwei Zhang, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. OneTip: A soft tactile interface for 6-D fingertip pose acquisition in human-computer interaction. Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 2024, 379: 115896.
[12] Lunwei Zhang, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Improving the force reconstruction performance of vision-based tactile sensors by optimizing the elastic body. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2023, 8(2): 1109-1116.
[13] Mingxuan Li, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Marker displacement method used in vision-based tactile sensors – From 2D to 3D: A review. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(8): 8042-8059.
[14] Ruomin Sui, Lunwei Zhang, Qiyin Huang, Yao Jiang*. A novel incipient slip degree evaluation method and its application in adaptive control of grasping force. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2023,
[15] Yue Wang, Lunwei Zhang, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. A model-based analysis-design approach for virtual binocular vision system with application to vision-based tactile sensors. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72: 5010916.
[16] Ning Zhang, Ruomin Sui, Lunwei Zhang, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. A robust incipient slip detection method with vision-based tactile sensor based on local deformation degree. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023, 23(15): 17200-17213.
[17] Mingxuan Li, Yen Hang Zhou, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Improving the representation and extraction of contact information in vision-based tactile sensors using continuous marker pattern. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2023, 8(9): 6021-6028.
[18] Mingxuan Li, Yen Hang Zhou, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Real-time and robust feature detection of continuous marker pattern for dense 3-D deformation measurement. Measurement, 2023, 221: 113479.
[19] Yixiao Feng, Xiangyu Tian, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Measurement of mobile manipulator chassis pose change caused by suspension deformation and end-effector accuracy improvement based on multi-sensor fusion. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2023, 170: 104533.
[20] Ruomin Sui, Lunwei Zhang, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Incipient slip detection method for soft objects with vision-based tactile sensor. Measurement, 2022, 203: 111096.
[21] Mingxuan Li, Lunwei Zhang, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Continuous marker patterns for representing contact information in vision-based tactile sensor: Principle, algorithm, and verification. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71: 5018212.
[22] Shuqing Chen, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Pose measurement and assembly of spacecraft components based on assembly features and a consistent coordinate system. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 120(3-4): 2429-2442.
[23] Ruomin Sui, Lunwei Zhang, Tiemin Li, Yao Jiang*. Incipient slip detection method with vision-based tactile sensor based on distributed force and deformation. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 22(15): 25973-25985.
[24] Fengchun Li*, Yao Jiang, Tiemin Li, A laser-guided solution to manipulate mobile robot arm terminals within a large workspace. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2021, 26(5): 2676-2687.
[25] Fengchun Li, Tiemin Li*, Yao Jiang, Haitong Wang, Kornel F. Ehmann. Explicit error modeling of dynamic thermal errors of heavy machine tool frames caused by ambient temperature fluctuations. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2019, 48: 320-338.
[26] Yao Jiang*, Tiemin Li, Liping Wang, Feifan Chen. Kinematic accuracy improvement of a novel smart structure-based parallel kinematic machine, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2018, 23(1): 469-481.
[27] Yao Jiang*, Tiemin Li, Liping Wang, Feifan Chen. Kinematic error modeling and identification of the over-constrained kinematic machine, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2018, 49: 105-119.
[28] Yao Jiang, Tiemin Li*, Liping Wang, Feifan Chen. Improving tracking accuracy of a novel 3-DOF redundant planar parallel kinematic machine, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2018, 119: 198-218.
[29] Fuhua Li, Yao Jiang, Tiemin Li*, Kornel F. Ehmann. Compensation of dynamic mechanical tracking errors in ball screw drives, Mechatronics, 2018, 55: 27-37.
[30] Tiemin Li, Fuhua Li*, Yao Jiang, etc. Modeling of axial contact stiffness of a double-nut with preloads, Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Part C – Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2018, 232(4): 629-638.
[31] Yao Jiang*, Tiemin Li, Liping Wang. Novel method for designing high precision parallel kinematic machines based on the smart structure, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017, 22(4): 1889-1902.
[32] Yao Jiang, Tiemin Li*, Liping Wang, Feifan Chen. Systematic design method and experimental validation of a 2-DOF compliant parallel mechanism with excellent input and output decoupling performances, Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(6): 591.
[33] Yao Jiang*, Tiemin Li, Liping Wang. Design, development and application of a compact flexure-based decoupler with high motion transmission efficiency and excellent input decoupling performance, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017,22(2): 1071-1081.
[34] Liping Wang, Yao Jiang, Tiemin Li*. Analytical compliance modeling of serial flexure-based compliant mechanism under arbitrary applied load, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 30(4): 951-962.
[35] Shi Jia, Yao Jiang, Tiemin Li*, Yunsong, Du. Learning-based optimal desired compensation adaptive robust control for a flexure-based micro-motion manipulator, Applied Science-Basel, 2017, 7(4): 406.
[36] Shi Jia, Yao Jiang, Tiemin Li*, Yunsong Du. Contour accuracy improvement of a flexure-based micro-motion stage for tracking repetitive trajectory, AIP Advances, 2017, 7(1): 015026.
[37] Fuhua Li, Yao Jiang, Tiemin Li*, Yunsong Du. An improved dynamic model of preloaded ball screw drives considering torque transmission and its application to frequency analysis, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(7): 1687814017710580.
[38] Tiemin Li, Fengchun Li, Yao Jiang*, Haitong Wang, Jinglei Zhang. Error modeling and sensitivity analysis of a 3-P(Pa)S parallel type spindle head with parallelogram structure, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2017, 14(3): 1-18.
[39] Tiemin Li, Fengchun Li*, Yao Jiang, Haitong Wang. Thermal error modeling and compensation of a heavy gantry-type machine tool and its verification in machining, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 92(9-12): 3073-3092.
[40] Tiemin Li, Fengchun Li*, Yao Jiang, Jinglei Zhang, Haitong Wang. Kinematic calibration of a 3-P(Pa)S parallel-type spindle head considering the thermal error, Mechatronics, 2017, 43: 86-98.
[41] Fengchun Li*, Tiemin Li, Haitong Wang, Yao Jiang. A temperature sensor clustering method for thermal error modeling of heavy milling machine tools, Applied Sciences – Basel, 2017, 7(1): 82.
[42] Yunsong Du, Tiemin Li*, Yao Jiang, Haitong Wang. Design and analysis of a 2-degree-of-freedom flexure-based micro-motion stage, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 8(3): 1687814016638301.
[43] Tiemin Li, Yunsong Du*, Yao Jiang, Jinglei Zhang. Empirical compliance equations for constant rectangular cross section flexure Hinges and their applications, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016: 5602142.
[44] Yunsong Du*, Tiemin Li, Wei Ji, Yao Jiang, Fuhua Li. Compliance modeling of planar flexure-based mechanisms and its application to micro-motion stages, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2016, 13: 1729881416658173.
[45] Yao Jiang*, Tiemin Li, Liping Wang. Stiffness modeling of compliant parallel mechanisms and applications in the performance analysis of a decoupled parallel compliant stage, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015, 86(9): 095109.
[46] Yao Jiang, Tiemin Li*, Liping Wang. Dynamic modeling and redundant force optimization of a 2-DOF parallel kinematic machine with kinematic redundancy, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2015, 32: 1-10.
[47] Yao Jiang, Tiemin Li*, Liping Wang. The dynamic modeling, redundant-force optimization, and dynamic performance analyses of a parallel kinematic machine with actuation redundancy, Robotica, 2015, 33(2): 241-263.
[48] Tiemin Li, Jinglei Zhang, Yao Jiang*. Derivation of Empirical compliance equations for circular flexure hinge considering the effect of stress concentration, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2015, 16(8): 1735-1743.
[49] Liping Wang, Yao Jiang*, Tiemin Li. Running accuracy analysis of a 3-RRR parallel kinematic machine considering the deformation of the links, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 27(5): 890-899.
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