Liliang Ouyang

Associate Professor

A736 Lee Shau Kee Building, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China.

Tel.: 010-62797830



属性1 Associate Professor 属性2 A736 Lee Shau Kee Building, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China.
属性3 Tel.: 010-62797830 属性4 E-mail:
属性5 Website: 属性6

2012.09 – 2017.07,PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University

2015.10 – 2016.11,Visiting PhD, Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania

2008.09 – 2012.07,BEng, Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University


2023.6 – Present,Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University

2020.12 – 2023.6,Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University

2017.08 – 2020.12,Postdoc, Materials, Imperial College London


Keywords:Biofabrication, 3D bioprinting, bioinks, tissue engineering, hydrogel biomaterials, regenerative medicine.

My research interests include the design, fabrication, and application of complex biomaterial and cellular systems, with a central focus on the development of 3D bioprinting and advanced biofabrication technologies for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The research topics of the Ouyang Research Group include:

· Enabling Technologies of Biofabrication;

· Soft Biomaterials for Cell Niche Engineering;

· Applications of In Vitro Living Systems


Google Scholar:


1. L. Ouyang, Study on Microextrusion-based 3D Bioprinting and Bioink Crosslinking Mechanisms (Springer, Singapore, 2019). ISBN 978-981-13-9455-3.

Selected Peer-reviewed Articles (+ equal contribution, *correspondence)

1. L. Ouyang*, Pushing the Rheological and Mechanical Boundaries of Extrusion-based 3D Bioprinting. Trends in Biotechnology, 10.1016/j.tibtech.2022.01.001 (2022).

2. L. Ouyang*, J.P. Wojciechowski, J. Tang, Y. Guo, M.M. Stevens*, Tunable Microgel-Templated Porogel (MTP) Bioink for 3D Bioprinting Applications, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 10.1002/adhm.202200027 (2022).

3. Z. Fu, L. Ouyang*, R. Xu, Y. Yang, W. Sun*, Responsive Biomaterials for 3D Bioprinting: A Review. Materials Today, 10.1016/j.mattod.2022.01.001 (2022).

4. C. Li+, L. Ouyang+, J.P.K. Armstrong*, M.M. Stevens*, Advances in the Fabrication of Biomaterials for Gradient Tissue Engineering. Trends in Biotechnology, 39, 150-164 (2021).

5. L. Ouyang, J.P.K. Armstrong, Y. Lin, J.P. Wojciechowski, C. Lee-Reeves, D. Hachin, K. Zhou, J.A. Burdick, M.M. Stevens*, Expanding and Optimizing 3D Bioprinting Capabilities using Complementary Network Bioinks. Science Advances, 6, eabc5529 (2020).

6. L. Ouyang, J.P.K. Armstrong, M. Salmeron‐Sanchez, M.M. Stevens*, Assembling Living Building Blocks to Engineer Complex Tissues. Advanced Functional Materials 30, 1909009 (2020).

7. L. Ouyang, J.P.K. Armstrong, Q. Chen, Y. Lin, M.M. Stevens*, Void‐Free 3D Bioprinting for In Situ Endothelialization and Microfluidic Perfusion. Advanced Functional Materials 30, 1908349 (2020).

8. L. Ouyang, J.A. Burdick, W. Sun*, Facile Biofabrication of Heterogeneous Multilayer Tubular Hydrogels by Fast Diffusion-induced Gelation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 12424-12430 (2018).

9. L. Ouyang, C.B. Highley, W. Sun, J.A. Burdick*, A Generalizable Strategy for The 3D Bioprinting of Hydrogels From Nonviscous Photo‐Crosslinkable Inks. Advanced Materials 29, 1604983 (2017).

10. L. Ouyang+, C.B. Highley+, C.B. Rodell, W. Sun, J.A. Burdick*, 3D Printing of Shear-thinning Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels with Secondary Cross-linking. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2, 1743-1751 (2016).

11. L. Ouyang, R. Yao*, Y. Zhao, W. Sun, Effect of Bioink Properties on Printability and Cell Viability for 3D Bioplotting of Embryonic Stem Cells. Biofabrication 8, 035020 (2016).

12. L. Ouyang+, R. Yao+, S. Mao, X. Chen, J. Na, W. Sun*, Three-dimensional bioprinting of embryonic stem cells directs highly uniform embryoid body formation. Biofabrication 7, 044101 (2015).

13. L. Ouyang+, R. Yao+, X. Chen+, J. Na*, W. Sun*, 3D printing of HEK 293FT cell-laden hydrogel into macroporous constructs with high cell viability and normal biological functions. Biofabrication 7, 015010 (2015).

Honors and Awards

Associate Editor, International Journal of Bioprinting, 2022-2024

Editorial Board Member, Biofabrication, 2023

ISBF New Investigator Award 2021, ISBF

Outstanding Reviewers Award 2019, IOP

Outstanding Reviewers Award 2018, IOP

3D printing solutions Poster Award, Biofabrication 2018

Travel Award, Biofabrication 2018

Top Cited Author Award 2018 (China), IOP

Best Poster Award, Biofabrication 2017

Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation, Tsinghua University, 2017.

Distinguished Doctorate, Tsinghua University, 2017.

Young Investigator Award in Mechanical Engineering, 2017.

GE Foundation TECH Award 2016, First Place Award.

National Scholarship, 2016.

Best Poster Award, 252nd ACS National Meeting and Exposition, 2016

First honor BEng, Tsinghua University, 2012.


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