Education background
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, 1997.5
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 1991.1
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University,1988.7
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Lecturer and Associate professor, 1997.8-Present, full time
Teaching work
Course of “Finite element analysis” for undergraduate students,
Course of “Computer simulation of mechanical systems” for undergraduate students
Course of “Management information system in material processing enterprises” for undergraduate students
Course of “Numerical simulation of mechanical systems” for graduate students
Course of “Manufacturing technology II” for oversea graduate students
Course of “Information system in for manufacturing enterprise” for graduate students
Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects
Microstructures and stresses control and modeling in metallic material processing
Numerical simulation of heat treatment for metal components
System simulation and analysis of automatic industrial material handling systems
Honors And Awards
First class teaching award of Tsinghua university, 2000
Second class teaching award of higher education of Beijing city government, 2001
Second class award of Science and Technology of Ministry of Education of China, 2013
Academic Achievement
[1] Li Wang, Wei Shi. Numerical simulation of macrosegregation during steel ingot solidification using continuum model. Journal of Shanghai JiaotongUniversity(Science),2011, 16(2): 145-148.
[2] Shi Wei, Wang Da-peng, Fan Hong-tao, Yao Ke-fu. Research on modeling of transformation plasticity via dilatometric tests. Int. J. Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2010, 5(4/5): 365-374.
[3] Shi Wei, Fan Hong-tao, Liu Zhuang. Experimental study of transformation plasticity during martensitic transformation in 5% Cr steel for backup roller. CailiaoRechuliXuebao/Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment, 2006, 27(5): 122-125. (in Chinese)
[4] Shi Wei, Liu Zhuang, Yao Kefu. Prediction of internal stresses in large-size work pieces during intensive quenching based on temperature - Microstructure - Stress coupled model. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2005, 24(1-4): 385-396.
[5] Shi, Wei; Yao, Ke-Fu; Chen, Nan; Wang, Hong-Peng. Experimental study of microstructure evolution during tempering of quenched steel and its application. Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment, 2004, 25(5): 736-739.