Haiyan Zhao

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Institute of Materials Processing Technology

R204A, Welding Building, Department of Mechanical Engineering Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel.: +86-10-62784578, 62773796; Fax: +86-10-62770190

E-mail: hyzhao@tsinghua.edu.cn

属性1 Professor of Mechanical Engineering 属性2 Institute of Materials Processing Technology
属性3 R204A, Welding Building, Department of Mechanical Engineering Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 属性4 Tel.: +86-10-62784578, 62773796; Fax: +86-10-62770190
属性5 E-mail: hyzhao@tsinghua.edu.cn 属性6
Education background

Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering), Xi’an Jiaotong University, 1997

B.S., Department of Mechanical Engineering (Welding and Joining), Xi’an Jiaotong University, 1992


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, worked as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and full Professor sequentially, 2000-Present, full time

RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Visiting Professor, 2004-2005, full time

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Post-doctoral fellow, 1997-2000, full time

Teaching work

Welding and Joining Technology, 3 credits, for graduate program

Modern Welding Technology, 3 credits, for graduate program

Modeling and Simulation on Materials Processing, 3 credits, for graduate program

Materials Processing Technology, 3 credit, for undergraduate program

Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering, 3 credit, for undergraduate program

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Welding and Joining, Manufacturing by Materials Processing

Theory and Application of Modeling and Simulation

Structure Integrity, Service Life Prediction and Performance Evaluation

Prediction and Control of Residual Stress and Deformation

Bio-Sensor based on Graphene

Honors And Awards

“New Century Excellent Talents” from Ministry of Education, 2007

“Excellent Teaching Achievement Award (the first prize)” from Tsinghua University, 2008

Academic Achievement

[1] Wu X; Zhao HY; Zhong ML; Murakawa H; Tsukamoto M. Molecular dynamics simulation of graphene sheets joining under ion beam irradiation. Carbon, 2014, 66(1): 31-38.

[2] Wu X; Zhao HY, Murakawa H. The Joining of Graphene Sheets Under Ar Ion Beam Irradiation. Journal of Nanoscience and nanotechnology, 2014, (14): 1-6.

[3] Li ZY; Zhao HY; Gu Y; Zhong ML; Zhang B; Zhang HJ; Liu WJ; Ren ZY; Yang MJ; Lin HQ. Fatigue crack propagation in laser alloyed ductile cast iron surface. Journal of Laser Applications, 2013, 25(1):

[4] Wu X; Zhao HY; Zhong ML; Murakawa H; Tsukamoto M. The formation of molecular junctions between graphene sheets. Materials Transactions, 2013, 54(6):940-946.

[5] He H, Zhao H, Guo F, Xu G. Bi layer formation at the anode interface in Cu/Sn-58Bi/Cu solder joints with high density. Journal of Material Science and Technology, 2012, 28(1):46-52

[6] Zhao H, Ma X, Cai Z, Wang PC,. Effect of low temperature exposure on impact characteristics of epoxy bonded high strength steels, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF WELDING AND JOINING, 2011, 16(5): 405-411

[7] Zhao H, Niu W, Zhang B, Lei Y, Kodama M, Ishide T. Modelling of keyhole dynamics and porosity formation considering the adaptive keyhole shape and three-phase coupling during deep-penetration laser welding, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS, 2011, 44(48): 485302

[8] Zhao H, Duan X, Ma X, Lu L, Cai Z, Wang PC, Fickes JD. Dynamic characteristics of adhesive bonded high strength steel joints, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2010, 15(8): 486-490


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