Qingyu Shi




Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University Lee Shau Kee

Science Technology Building A723

属性1 Professor 属性2 62773637
属性3 shqy@tsinghua.edu.cn 属性4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University Lee Shau Kee
属性5 Science Technology Building A723 属性6
Education background

1989.09-1993.07 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Bs

1993.09-1996.04 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Ms

1996.04-2000.07 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Ph.D


2013.12-Now, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University. Professor

2003.12-2013.11, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University. Associate Professor

2003.04-2003.11, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University. Assistant Professor

2001.05-2003.04, Department of Engineering, Cambridge University. Postdoctoral Fellow

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Friction stir welding and processing

Numerical simulation and optimization of metal processing

Joining and welding of light metals

Honors And Awards

1. 2013.12, 2nd grade awards for nature science of Education Ministry, China.

Academic Achievement

[1] G. Chen, Z. Feng, J. Chen, L. Liu, H. Li, Q. Liu, S. Zhang, X. Cao, G. Zhang, Q. Shi, Analytical approach for describing the collapse of surface asperities under compressive stress during rapid solid state bonding. Scripta Materialia, 2017. 128: p. 41-44.

[2] Zhu, Yucan; Chen, Gaoqiang; Chen, Qilong; Zhang, Gong; Shi, Qingyu. Simulation of material plastic flow driven by non-uniform friction force during friction stir welding and related defect prediction. Materials & Design, v108, p400-410, Oct, 2016.

[3] Chen, Gaoqiang; Feng, Zhili; Zhu, Yucan; Shi, Qingyu. An Alternative Frictional Boundary Condition for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Friction Stir Welding. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. v25, n9, p4016-4023, Sep, 2016.

[4] Chen, GQ; Shi, QY; Li, YJ; Han, ZD; Yuan, KY. Experimental investigations on the kinetics of void shrinkage in solid state bonding of AA6061 at high temperatures and high pressures. Materials & Design, v89, p1223-1226, Jan 2016.

[5] Li, H.; Dai, Q. -L.; Shi, Q. –Y. Experimental study on the heterogeneity of mechanical properties of friction stir welded joints with the digital image correlation method. Strength of materials, v47, n1, p80-86, Jan 2015.

[6] Dai, Q. L.; Wang, X. Y.; Hou, Z. G.; Wu, J.J.; Shi, Q.Y. Microcavities accompanying a zigzag line in friction stir welded A6082-T6 alloy joint. Science and technology of welding and joining. V20, n1, p68-74, Jan 2015.

[7] Chen, G. Q.; Shi, Q. Y.; Fujiya, Y.; Simulation of Metal Flow During Friction Stir Welding Based on the Model of Interactive Force Between Tool and Material. Journal of materials engineering and performance. v23, n4, p1321-1328. Apr, 2014

[8] Chen, G.Q.; Shi, Q.Y.; Li, Y.J.; Sun, Y.J.; Dai, Q.L.; Jia, J.Y.; Zhu, Y.C.; Wu, J.J.. Computational fluid dynamics studies on heat generation during friction stir welding of aluminum alloy. Computational Materials Science, v 79, p 540-546, Nov,2013.

[9] Dai, QL; Chen, GQ; Meng, LC; Shi, QY. Explore the mechanism of high fatigue crack propagation rate in fine microstructure of friction stir welded aluminum alloy. Materials science and engineering A, v 580, p 184-190, Sep. 15, 2013.

[10]Liu, P; Shi, QY; Zhang, YB. Microstructural evaluation and corrosion properties. of aluminum matrix surface composite adding Al-based amorphous fabricated by friction stir processing. Composites Part B-Engineering Vol.52 ,p 137-143; Sep. 2013

[11]Ji, S.D.; Shi, Q.Y.; Zhang, L.G.; Zou, A.L.; Gao, S.S.; Zan, L.V. Numerical simulation of material flow behavior of friction stir welding influenced by rotational tool geometry. Computational Materials Science, v 63, p 218-226, October 2012

[12]Sun, K. ; Shi, Q.Y.; Sun, Y.J.; Chen, G.Q. Microstructure and mechanical property of nano-SiCp reinforced high strength Mg bulk composites produced by friction stir processing. Materials Science and Engineering A, v 547, p 32-37, June 15, 2012

[13]Yan Dong-yang, Wu Ai-ping, Silvanus Juergen, Shi Qing-yu, Predicting residual distortion of aluminum alloy stiffened sheet after friction stir welding by numerical simulation. Materials & Design. April 2011, v 32, n 4: p2284-2291.

[14]Xuedong Wang, Qingyu Shi, Xin Wang, Zenglei Zhang. The influences of precrack orientations in welded joint of Ti-6Al-4V on fatigue crack growth. Materials Science and Engineering A. Feb 2010, Vol.527, No. p1008-1015.

[15]W. Wang, Q.Y. Shi, etc. A novel way to produce bulk SiCp reinforced aluminum metal matrix composites by friction stir processing. Journal of materials processing technology. Feb. 2009, Vol 209(4).p2099-2103

[16]Liu Peng, Shi Qing-yu, Wang Wei, etc. Microstructure and XRD analysis of FSW joints for copper T2/aluminium 5A06 dissimilar materials. Materials Letters, Sep. 2008, Vol 62(25), p 4106-4108

[17]Q.Y. Shi, J. Silvanus, Y. Liu, etc. Experimental study on distortion of Al-6013 plate after friction stir welding. Science and technology of welding and joining. Sep. 2008, Vol. 13(5), p 472-478

[18]Z.L. Zhang, J. Silvanus, H.K. Li, Q.Y. Shi. Sensitivity analysis of history dependent material mechanical models for numerical simulation of welding process. Science and technology of welding and joining. Sep. 2008, Vol. 13(5), p 422-429

[19]T. Li, Q.Y. Shi, H.K. Li. Residual stresses simulation for friction stir welded joint. Science and technology of welding and joining. Nov. 2007, Vol. 12(8), p664-670


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