Jing Xu

Associate Professor

Room 1502, Building 9003, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel.: +86-10-62796126

Fax: +86-10-62796126

E-mail: jingxu@tsinghua.edu.cn

属性1 Associate Professor 属性2 Room 1502, Building 9003, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
属性3 Tel.: +86-10-62796126 属性4 Fax: +86-10-62796126
属性5 E-mail: jingxu@tsinghua.edu.cn 属性6
Education background

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2008.1

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2003.7


2012.12-Present, Dept. of Mechanical engineering, Tsinghua University, Associate Professor

2010.12-2012.12, Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, Assistant Professor

2008.8-2010.11, Michigan State University, Postdoctoral Fellow

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects


Manufacturing Automation

Computer vision & Optical measurement

Academic Achievement

Xu J, Douet J, Zhao J G, Song L B, and Chen K. A simple calibration method for structured light-based 3D profile measurement. Optics & Laser Technology. vol 48,pp187-193,2013

Xu J, Liu S L, Wan A, Gao B T, Yi Q, Zhao D P, Luo R K, and Chen, K. An absolute phase technique for 3D profile measurement using four-step structured light pattern. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 50(9), pp1274-1280, 2012

Xu J, Gao B T, Han J H, Zhao J G, Liu S L, and Chen K. Realtime 3D profile measurement by using the composite pattern based on the binary stripe pattern Optics & Laser Technology. 44(3) pp587-593,2012

Xu J, Xi N, Zhang C, Shi Q, Gregory J. A Robot-assisted Back-imaging Measurement System for Transparent Glass, IEEE /ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 17(4),pp779-788,2012

Xu J, Xi N, Zhang C, Zhao J G, Gao B T, Shi Q. Rapid 3D surface profile measurement of industrial parts using two-level structured light patterns Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 49(7) pp907-914,2011

Xu J, Xi N, Zhang C, Shi Q, and Gregory J. Real time 3D shape inspection system of automotive part based on structured light pattern, Optics & Laser Technology. 43(1), pp1-8, 2010.

Xu J, Jia Z Z, Song Z J, Yang X D, Chen K, and Liang P. Three-dimensional ultrasound image-guided robotic system for accurate microwave coagulation of malignant liver tumours, The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 6(3), pp256-268, 2010.

Xu J, Xi N, Zhang C, Shi Q, and Gregory J. A geometry and optical property inspection system for automotive glass based on fringe patterns, Optica Applicata vol.40 pp827-841 2010.


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