Kaiming Yang

Assistant Professor

Room 413, Weiqing Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel.: +86-10-62795313

Fax: +86-10-62781457

E-mail: yangkm@tsinghua.edu.cn

属性1 Assistant Professor 属性2 Room 413, Weiqing Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
属性3 Tel.: +86-10-62795313 属性4 Fax: +86-10-62781457
属性5 E-mail: yangkm@tsinghua.edu.cn 属性6
Education background

Ph.D., Tsinghua University, 2005

M.S., Zhengzhou University, 1998

B.S., Zhengzhou University, 1995


2013-Present, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Assistant Professor

2007-2012, Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, Assistant Professor

2005-2007, Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, Post-doctor Researcher

1992-1995, Zhengzhou University, Mechatronic Laboratory

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Ultra-precision motion control

Computerized Numerical Control(CNC)

Mechatronic equipment control

Academic Achievement

[1] Kaiming Yang ,Zhaozhao Liu , Weifang Wang, etc, Accurate mathematical model of profile curve generated by pre-grinding hob and three-dimensional simulation of the gear generation,Advanced Materials Research Vol. 842 (2014) pp 612-619.

[2] Dongdong Yu, Kaiming Yang, Yu Zhu, Xin Li , Leqing Cui,Nonlinear iterative learning control applied to an aerostatic X-Y planar motion stage,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2012, 226(9): 1174-1182.

[3] Li Xin, Yang Kai-ming, Zhu Yu, Yu Dong-dong ,Feedforward identification and nonlinear feedback control with applications to 3-DOF planar motor,Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology

[4] Li Xin, Yang Kai-ming, Zhu Yu, Yu Dong-dong, Nonlinear Composite Control with Applications to 3-DOF Planar Motor,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Volume: 35 Issue: 3 Pages: 330-341, MAY 2013


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