Liping Wang

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Room 2507, Building 9003, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China

Tel.: +86-10-62796876

Fax: +86-10-62796876

属性1 Professor of Mechanical Engineering 属性2 Room 2507, Building 9003, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China
属性3 Tel.: +86-10-62796876 属性4 Fax: +86-10-62796876
属性5 属性6
Education background

Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University of Technology, 1997.1

B.E., Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University of Technology, 1990.7


Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University,Professor, 2013.1-Present, full time

Dept. of Precision Instruments &Mechanology, Tsinghua University,Professor, 2004.12-2012.12, full time

Dept. of Precision Instruments &Mechanology, Tsinghua University, Associate Professor, 1999.12-2004.11, full time

School of Mechanical Science and Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Post Doctoral Research Fellow, 1997.9-1999.11, full time

Computing Center, Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences, Teaching Assistant, 1990.8-1992.7, full time

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Advanced manufacturing equipment and its control

Mechanism theory and control of parallel robots

Machine tools and its control

Academic Achievement

[1] Li-Ping Wang, Fu-GuiXie, Xin-Jun Liu and Jinsong Wang. Kinematic calibration of the 3-DOF parallel module of a 5-axishybrid milling machine, Robotica,2011, 29(Part 4):535–546.

[2] Wang Liping, LIU Dawei, and LI Tiemin. Homing Strategy for a 4RRR Parallel Kinematic Machine. CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2011, 24(3):399-405.

[3] Liping Wang, Jun Wu, Jinsong Wang. Dynamic formulation of a planar 3-DOF Parallel Manipulator with Actuation Redundancy. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2010, 26(1): 67-73.

[4] Liping Wang, Jun Wu, Jinsong Wang, Zheng You. An Experimental Study of a Redundantly Actuated Parallel Manipulator for a 5-DOF Hybrid Machine Tool. IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, 2009, 14(1): 72-81.

[5] Wang LP, Wang JS, Chen J. The dynamic analysis of a 2-PRR planar parallel mechanism, IMechE Part C, 2005,219 (C9): 901-909

[6] L-P Wang; J-S Wang; Y-W Li, Y Lu. Kinematic and dynamic equations of a planar parallel manipulator. IMechE Part C, 2003, 217(C5):525-531

[7] L-P Wang, J-S Wang, P-Q Ye and L-J Wang.A theoretical and experimental investigation of thrust and torque in vibration microdrilling.IMechE, Part B, 2001, 215(B11):1539-1548, ISSN 0954-4054

[8] Wang Liping, Yang Zhaojun, Wang Lijiang and Yang Shuzi. Research status and developing trend of vibration drilling about internal and overseas. Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering, 1999, 28(2)

[9] Wang Liping, Li Xiaofeng, Du Runsheng and Yang Shuzi. Modeling of rotors with switching crack and its dynamic simulation. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1999, 27(4)


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