Fuzhu Han


Work Phone:+86 10 62796916

E-mail: hanfuzhu@tsinghua.edu.cn

Office location:Room A1006, Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building, Tsinghua University 100084

属性1 Professor 属性2 Work Phone:+86 10 62796916
属性3 E-mail: hanfuzhu@tsinghua.edu.cn 属性4 Office location:Room A1006, Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building, Tsinghua University 100084
属性5 属性6
Education background

1999.4-2002.3 Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Ph.D

1989.7-1992.3, Graduate school of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University, Master

1985.9-1989.7, School of Automation Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Bachelor


2010.12- Present, Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University

2004.3-2010.11, Associate Professor, Dept. of Precision Instrument, Tsinghua University

2002.4-2004.03, Postdoctor, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan

1992.4-1999.03, Researcher, Makino Milling Machine Co., LTD, Japan

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Technology and equipment of non-traditional machining; Technology of precision and ultra precision machining; Technology and equipment of additive manufacturing; Technology of non-traditional machining and electro-mechanical systems numberical control

Honors And Awards

[1] “Simulation of WEDM Using Discharge Location Searching Algorithm” Outstanding paper award of the 10th ICPE.

[2] “Foundational Research on Pulse Generator Technology in Micro-EDM” Outstanding paper award of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society

Academic Achievement

[1] Wang, J.-H., Wang, J., Lu, Y., Du, M.-H., Han, F.-Z., Effects of single pulse energy on the properties of ceramic coating prepared by micro-arc oxidation on Ti alloy, Applied Surface Science, (2015) 324,p405-413.

[2] Wang, J., Han, F., Simulation model of debris and bubble movement in electrode jump of electrical discharge machining, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (2014) 74(5-8),p591-598.

[3] Wang, J.-H., Du, M.-H., Han, F.-Z., Yang, J., Effects of the ratio of anodic and cathodic currents on the characteristics of micro-arc oxidation ceramic coatings on Al alloys, Applied Surface Science, (2014) 292(5-8),p658-664.

[4] Wang, J., Chen, W., Gao, F., Han, F., A new electrode sidewall insulation method in electrochemical drilling, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (2014) 75(1-4),p21-32.

[5] Takino, H., Han, F., Cutting of polished single-crystal silicon by wire electrical discharge machining using anti-electrolysis pulse generator, Conference Proceedings - 14th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN 2014,(2014) 2,p59-62.

[6] Wang, J., Han, F., Simulation model of debris and bubble movement in consecutive-pulse discharge of electrical discharge machining, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, (2014) 77,p56-65.

[7] Wang, J., Chen, W., Han, F., Study on the magnetorheological finishing method for the WEDMed pierced die cavity, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (2015) 76(9-12),p1969-1975.

[8] Wang, J., Han, F., Zhao, F., Improvement of EDM efficiency with a new adaptive control strategy, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ,(2012) 62(9-12),p1025-1040.

[9] Wang, J., Han, F.-Z., Lu, J.-M., Zhao, F.-L., Research on influence rules of electrode machining time on EDM efficiency, Dalian Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Dalian University of Technology ,(2012) 52(5),p652-656.

[10] Wang, J., Han, F., Cheng, G., Zhao, F., Debris and bubble movements during electrical discharge machining, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture ,(2012) 58,p11-18.

[11] F.Han, F.AI, Y.Wang, Attempt at unitary magnetorheological finishing for a pierced die cavity, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal of Manufacture(2010),224(6) ,p879-886.

[12] Han, F., Zhang, J., Cheng, G., Takahito, I., Modeling of work piece removal rate on EDM,16th International Symposium on Electro machining, ISEM 2010,(2010),p 101-104.

[13] Zhou, M., Han, F., Tang, B., The methodology of detecting dynamical properties of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) process towards building a timely varied linear predictive model,16th International Symposium on Electro machining, ISEM 2010,(2010),p 73-78

[14] Zhou, M., Han, F., Meng, X., Chen, B., Analysis and control of electrical discharge machining (EDM) process, IEEM 2009 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,(2009),p 164-168.

[15] F.Han, G.Cheng, F. Zhijing, Measurement of wire electrode temperature in WEDM, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ,(2009), 41(9,10),p871-879.

[16] M. Zhou, F.Han, W. Yongxain, Assessment of dynamical properties in EDM process-detecting signature of latent change to deleterious process in advance, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,(2009), 44(3-4),p283-292.

[17] M. Zhou, F.Han, W. Yongxain, Assessment of the dynamical properties in EDM process-detecting deterministic nonlinearity of EDM process, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ,(2009),44(1-2),p91-99.

[18] M. Zhou, F.Han, Adaptive control for EDM process with a self-tuning regulator, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,(2009),49(6),p462-469.

[19] Han, F., Wang, Y., Zhou, M., High-speed EDM milling with moving electric arcs, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,(2009),49(1),p20-24.

[20] F.Han, G. Cheng, thermo-mechanical Analysis and Optimal Tension Control of Micro Wire Electrode, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, (2008),48(7-8): p922-931.

[21] F. Han, P.Grangure,M. Kunieda, Improvement in accuracy in potential method for detecting EDM spark locations, Journal of Materials Processing Tech, (2008), 206(1-3), p328-332.

[22] M.Zhou, F.Han, A time-varied predictive model for EDM process, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, (2008) 48, p 1668-1677.

[23] F.Han, L. Chen, D. Yu: Basic study on pulse generator for micro-EDM, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,(2007),33 (5-6),p474-479.

[24] F.Han, J. Jiang, D. Yu, influence of discharge current on machined surface by thermo-analysis in WEDM, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture ,(2007) ,47 (7-8), p1187-1196.

[25] F.Han, J. Jiang, D. Yu, Influence of machining parameters on surface roughness in finish cut of WEDM, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ,(2007) ,34 (5-6): p538-546.

[26] F.Han, J.Zhang, Corner error cut of rough cutting in wire EDM, Precision Engineering,(2007)31,p331-336.

[27] G. Cheng, F.Han, Z. Feng, Experimental determination of convective heat transfer coefficient in WEDM, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,(2007), 47, (11) , p1744-1751.

[28] Lu, B.-H., Han, F.-Z., Cheng, H.-B., Chen, X.-M., Design of curved surface manufacture system with five DOF and its CAM, Guangxue Jishu/Optical Technique(2007),33,p185-189.

[29] F.Han, Y.Yamada, Experimental attempts of sub-micrometer order size machining using micro-EDM, Precision Engineering, (2006) 30(2),p123-131.

[30] Han, F., Chen, L., Zhou, X., Study on the transistor type pulse generator for micro-EDM, Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng/China Mechanical Engineering, (2006) 17(20),p2094-2097.

[31] Han, F., Tao, C., Zhou, X., Masanori, K. , Development of simulation system on WEDM first cut ,Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, (2006) 42(6),p101-105.

[32] Han, F., Cheng, G., Chen, X., Zhou, X., Kunieda, M., CAD/CAM software for manufacturing 3-D curved surfaces using WEDM, Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, (2005) 45(11),p1472-1475.

[33] F.Han, M. Kunieda, Development of Parallel Spark electrical discharge machining, Precision Engineering 28(2004)p65-72.

[34] F. Han, S. Wachi, M. Kunieda, Improvement of Machining Characteristics of Micro-EDM Using Transistor Type Isopulse Generator and Servo Control, Precision Engineering, (2004),28,p378-385.

[35] F. Han, M. Kunieda, T. Sendai, Y. Imai: High Precision Simulation of WEDM Using Parametric Programming, CIRP (2002) p165-168.


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