Xiaoqiang Tang


Work Phone:+86 10 62792678

E-mail: tang-xq@tsinghua.edu.cn

Office location:Room A910, Li Zhaoji Science and Technology Building, Tsinghua University 100084

属性1 Professor 属性2 Work Phone:+86 10 62792678
属性3 E-mail: tang-xq@tsinghua.edu.cn 属性4 Office location:Room A910, Li Zhaoji Science and Technology Building, Tsinghua University 100084
属性5 属性6
Education background

1998.3-2001.12, Dept. of Precision Instruments & Mechanology, Tsinghua University, Ph.D.

1995.9-1998.3, Dept. of Mechanism Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, M.E.

1991.9-1995.6, Dept. of Mechanism Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, B.E.


2014.12- Present, Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University.

2005.12- 2012.12, Associate Professor, Dept. of Precision Instruments & Mechanology, Tsinghua University.

2002.1- 2005.11, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Precision Instruments & Mechanology, Tsinghua University.

2012.3- 2013.3, Visiting Scholar, Purdue University (West Lafayette).

2007.5-2007.8, Visiting Scholar, Michigan University (Ann Arbor).

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Parallel Mechanisms, Cable-driven Robot, Reconfigurable Manufacture System

Honors And Awards

[1] Natural Science Award of the Chinese Ministry of Education: Design and control theory of flexible and rigid-flexible coupling cable-driven robot, Second Prize, 2015

[2] Natural Science Award of the Chinese Ministry of Education: Parallel Mechanism Analysis and Design with the modern theory, Second Prize, 2011

[3] Science and Technology Award of Chinese Machinery Industry: The Application of New Type Parallel and Hybrid Mechanism and Device, First Prize, 2008

[4] Excellent Ph.D. Dissertation: Tsinghua University, 2002

Academic Achievement

[1] Tang Xiaoqiang*, Wang Weifang, Tang Lewei, A Geometrical Workspace Calculation Method for Cable-driven Parallel Manipulators on Minimum Tension Condition, Advanced Robotics,2016,30(16):1061-1071.

[2] Liu Zhihua, Tang Xiaoqiang*, Wang Liping, Research on the dynamic coupling of the rigid-flexible manipulator, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2015, 32(1):72-82

[3] Tang Lewei, Tang Xiaoqiang*, Xiaoling Jiang, Clément Gosselin, Dynamic Trajectory Planning Study of Planar Two-Dof Redundantly Actuated Cable-suspended Parallel Robots,Mechatronics, 2015, 30:187-197

[4] Tang Xiaoqiang*, Chai Xiaoming, Tang Lewei, Shao Zhufeng, Accuracy Synthesis Study of a Multi-level Hybrid Positioning Mechanism for the Feed in FAST, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2014, 30(5):565-575

[5] Tang Xiaoqiang*, Shao Zhufeng, Trajectory Planning and Tracking Control of a Multi-level Hybrid Support Manipulator in FAST, Mechatronics, 2013, 23(8):1113-1122

[6] Tang Xiaoqiang*, Tang Lewei, Wang Jinsong, Sun Dengfeng, Workspace Quality Analysis and Application for Completely Restrained 3-DOF Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Manipulators, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2013, 27(8):2391-2399

[7] Shao Zhufeng, Tang Xiaoqiang*, Xu Chen and Liping Wang, Inertia match research of Gough-Stewart parallel manipulator, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing,2012, 28(6) : 649-659

[8] Shao Zhufeng, Tang Xiaoqiang*,Wang Liping, and Chen Xu, Dynamic Modeling and Wind Vibration Control of the Feed Support System in FAST,Nonlinear Dynamics,2012, 67(2):965-985

[9] Tang Xiaoqiang, Yao Rui*, Dimensional design on the six-cable driven parallel manipulator of FAST, Journal of Mechanical Design-Transactions of ASME. 2011, 133(11):1-12

[10] Yao Rui, Tang Xiaoqiang*, Jinsong Wang, Peng Huang,Dimension optimization design of the four-cable driven parallel manipulator in FAST, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2010, 15(6):932-941


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