Guoshun Pan

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Room 4405, Building 9003, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel.: +86-10-62773129

Fax: +86-10-62781379


属性1 Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering 属性2 Room 4405, Building 9003, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
属性3 Tel.: +86-10-62773129 属性4 Fax: +86-10-62781379
属性5 E-mail: 属性6
Education background

1995.3-1998.4 Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, P.R. China.

1989.9-1992.7 M.S., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Industry University of Shangdong, Jinan, P.R. China.

1985.9-1989.7 B.S., Department of Mining and Engineering, Industry University of Wuhan, Wuhan, P.R. China.


2005.12-PresentAssociate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua

University, Beijing, P.R. China.

1998.4-2005.12 Lecturer, State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China.

1992.8-1995.2Department of Chemistry Engineering, Industry University of Shandong, Jinan, P.R. China

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Micro-nanometer surface polishing

Key technology of fuel cell

Honors And Awards

The Second Class of National Award for Science and Technology Progress, 2008, third accomplisher.

The First Class of Award for Science and Technology Progress in University of China, 2005, third accomplisher.

Academic Achievement

[1] Sun Jiazhen, Pan Guoshun, Zhou Yan, Zhu Yonghua, Luo Jianbin, Lu Xin Chun, Liu Yan. Effect of Ingredients in Slurry Containing Alumina on Chemical Mechanical Polishing of Hard Disc Substrate. Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2009, 223(7): 1003-1011.

[2] Dai Yuanjing, Pan Guoshun, Pei Huifang, Sun Jiazhen, Liu Yan, Du Huan. Slurry parameters effect on chemical-mechanical planarization (CMP) of deposited silver (Ag) on chips. International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 2010, 4(3), 237-249.

[3] Wang Ning, Pan Guoshun, Gong Hua, Liu Yan. Synergistic Roles of Mixed Inhibitors and the Application of Mixed Complexing Ligands in Copper Chemical Mechanical Polishing. Microelectronic Engineering, 2011, 88(11): 3372-3374.

[4] Pan Guoshun, GuZhonghua, Zhou Yan, Li Tuo, Gong Hua, Liu Yan. Preparation of silane modified SiO2 abrasive particles and their Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) performances. Wear, 2011, 273(1): 100-104.

[5] Pan Guoshun, Wang Ning, Gong Hua, Liu Yan. An empirical approach to explain the material removal rate for copper chemical mechanical Polishing. Tribology International, 2012, 47:142-144.

[6] Pan Guoshun,Zhou Yan, Luo Guihai, Shi Xiaolei, Zou Chunli, Gong Hua. Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) of on-axis Si-face 6H-SiC wafer for obtaining atomically flat defect-free surface. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (J Mater-Sci-Mater EL), 2013, 24: 5040-5047.

[7] Shi Xiaolei, Pan Guoshun, Zhou Yan, Zou Chunli, Gong Hua. Extended study of the atomic step-terrace structure on hexagonal SiC (0001) by Chemical-Mechanical Planarization. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 284: 196-206.

[8] Xu Li, PanGuoshun, LiangXiaolu, LuoGuihai, ZouChunli, LuoHaimei.. Electrocatalytic Activity of Fe-N/C-TsOH Catalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Media.. Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2014, 30(2), 318-324.

[9] Gong Hua, Pan Guoshun, GuZhonghua, Zou Chunli, Liu Yan. Effect of modified silica abrasive particles on nano-sized particle deposition in final polishing of silicon wafer. Tribology Transactions, 2014, 57(2): 366-372.

[10] Xu Li, Pan Guoshun, Liang Xiaolu. N/S Co-doped Non-precious Metal as Non-platinum Cathode Catalyst for Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cells. ChemicalJournalof Chinese Universities-Chinese, 2014, 35(5): 1029-1036.

[11] Xu Li, Pan Guoshun, Liang Xiaolu. Nitrogen/sulfur co-doped non-noble metal material as an efficient electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media. RSC Adv.,2014, 4(38): 19756-19765.


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