Jianbin Luo

State Key Laboratory of Tribology Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China

Tel.+8610 - 62781385


属性1 State Key Laboratory of Tribology Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 属性2 Tel.+8610 - 62781385
属性3 Email:luojb@tsinghua.edu.cn 属性4
属性5 属性6

1991/09-1994/04,Ph.D. in Mechanical Design and Theory from Tsinghua University,China,1994.

1985/09-1988/04,Master’s degree in metallurgy from University of Science and Technology Beijing,1988

1978/10-1982/07,Bachelor’s degree in Metal Working from Northeastern University,China,1982

Work Experience

1994-now Lecturer, associate professor, professor in Tsinghua University

2020-now Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of Tsinghua University

2016-2020 Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University

2012-2018 Director in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University

2004-2014 Director of State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University

1988-1991 Lecturer in Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology

1982-1985 Assistant Engineer in Xi’an Cable Factory

Public Professional Activities

2020-2021 Chair of the expert panel of the State Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for

Advanced Manufacturing in Basic Research Area of China (2021-2035).

2020-2021 Deputy chair of the expert panel of Mechanical Engineering Development Plan (2021- 2030) of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

2018-2022 Chairman of the Asian Tribology Council.

2018-now Director of Editorial Committee, Journal of Mechanical Engineering.

2017-now Member of the Executive Council, International Tribology Council (ITC).

2015-2020 Deputy chair of the expert group of Mechanical Engineering Development Plan (2015-2020) of NSFC.

2014-now Member of the editorial board of Tribology International.

2013-now Editor in Chief of Friction.

2012-2016 Member of editorial board member of Journal: Science in China-Technological Sciences.

2010-2013 Member of Advisory Committee, Engineering & Materials Sciences, NSFC.

2009-2018 Deputy chair of the expert group of “Nano Manufacturing” major research program of NSFC.

2008-2018 Deputy president of the International Tribology Council (ITC)

2008-2015 Deputy head of the expert group for the major research program "Nanomanufacturing", NSFC.

2007-2012 Director of Academic Committee of Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology of Tsinghua University, China.

2007-2011 Chair of Chinese Tribology Institute (CTI).

2006-2013 Chair of Tribology Technical Committee of IFToMM.

2006-2009 Member of Appraisal Experts Panel, Engineering & Materials Sciences, NSFC.

2006-2012 Member of editorial board of Journal: Tribology- Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces.

2006-now Member of editorial board of Journal: Surface Science and Engineering.

2004-2010 Member of the editorial board of Surface and Coatings Technology.

2003-2017 Member of the editorial board of Chinese Science Bulletin.

2006-2021 Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Journal: Tribology (in Chinese)

Organization Committee of Conferences

1. Member of the International Advisory Board, WTC-Lyon, July 10-15, 2022, Lyon, France.

2. Chair of the Organization Committee of 6th WTC, Sept., 2017, Beijing, China.

3. Chair of the Scientific Committee, 7th China International Symposium on Tribology (CIST 2014), Apr. 27-30, 2014, Xuzhou, China.

4. Member of the International Advisory Board, WTC-V, Sep. 8-13, 2013, Torino, Italy.

5. Co-chair of the Organization Committee, 6th China International Symposium on Tribology (CIST 2011), Aug. 19-22, 2011, Lanzhou, China.

6. Section Chair, 14th Nordtrib, June 8-11, 2010, Lulea, Sweden.

7. Member of the International Advisory Board, First International Brazilian Conference on Tribology TriboBr-2010 & ITS-IFToMM 2010-2nd International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM, Nov. 24-26, 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

8. Chair of the Organization Committee, 7th China Tribology Conference, Sep. 18-20, 2009, Beijing, China.

9. Chair of the Organization Committee, 5th China International Symposium on Tribology (CIST 2008), Sep. 24-27, 2008, Beijing, China.

10. Co-Chair, the Joint CTI-STLE session on environmental tribology, STLE/ASME Joint Conference, Oct. 20, 2010, San Francisco, California, USA.

11. Chair of Tribology Section, 12th IFToMM Congress, Jun. 17-20, Besançon, France.

12. Member of the Program Committee, International Scientific and Technical Conference of Polymer Composites and Tribology, Jul. 18-21, 2005, Gomel, Belarus.

13. Chair of Nano-tribology Section, 4th China International Symposium on Tribology (CIST 2004), Nov. 8-11, 2004, Xi’an, China.

14. Section Chair, ASME-CSME Micro/nano-Manufacturing Conference, 2007, Hainan Island, China.

15. Chair of the Organizing Committee, Chinese-German Workshop: Advances in Tribology 2005, Sep. 5-8, 2005, Beijing, China.

Selected Scientific Research Projects

1. Project Director of the Transformational Technology Project of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, 2021-2025, (2.2 Million EUR).

2. Project Director of Development of Major Scientific Instruments of Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016-2020, (12.0 Million EUR).

3. Project Director of Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014-2018, (460,430 EUR).

4. Project Director of Basic Research on Scientific Instruments, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011-2013, (289,855 EUR).

5. Chief-Specialist of "973" Projects, China, 2009-2013, (5.2 Million EUR).

6. Chief-leader of Funds for Innovation Research Team of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2008-2016, (2.6 Million EUR).

7. Leader of Major Program of International Cooperation Project Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, China, 2008-2010, (4.2 Million RMB).

8. Co-director of Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2003-2008, (2.3 Million EUR).

9. Chief-Specialist of "973" Projects, China, 2003-2008, (3.2 Million EUR).

10. Supported by National Science Funding for Distinguished Young Scholars, China, 2000-2003, (76,238 EUR)

Honors (Prizes and Awards)

1. Elected as a member of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in 2021.

2. Elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011.

3. Tan Kah Kee Science Award in Technological Sciences, Tan Kah Kee Science Award Foundation, China, 2020.

4. The State Natural Science Award (2nd Class), Chinese State Council, China, 2018.

5. The STLE International Award, USA, 2013.

6. Supreme Achievement Award in Tribology, CTI, China, 2013.

7. The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award (2nd Class), Chinese State Council, China, 2008.

8. The State Natural Science Award (2nd Class), Chinese State Council, China, 2001.

9. The State Technological Invention Award (3rd Class), Chinese State Council, China, 1996.

10. The Special Prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award, Mechanical Engineering Society, China, 2019.

11. The Zhejiang Science and Technology Progress Award (1st Class), People's Government of Zhejiang Province, China, 2016.

12. The National Excellent Scientific and Technological Worker, China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), China, 2016.

13. The Natural Science Award (1st Class), Ministry of Education, China, 2015.

14. The China University Science and Technology Award (1st Class), China, 2011.

15. The Scientific and Technological Progress Award (1st Class), Ministry of Education, China, 2004.

16. Outstanding Paper Award, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, 2004.

17. The China University Science and Technology Award (1st Class), China, 2000.

18. Outstanding Paper Award, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, 1996.

19. The Scientific and Technological Progress Awards (1st Class), Ministry of Education, China, 1995.

Invited Presentations in Conferences

a) Plenary or Keynote Speeches

1. Luo J.B., New technologies affecting the development of manufacturing industry, 2021 Would Conference on Science Literacy, 2021.11.29-2021.12.3, Beijing, China. (Keynote)

2. Luo J.B., Advancements of the Research on Superlubricity, India Tribology 2019, 2019/11/27-2019/12/05, Bangalore, India. (Plenary)

3. Luo J.B., New advances in superlubricity, Contact Mechanics and Friction: Foundations and Application, 2019/10/13-2019/10/17, Berlin, Germany. (Keynote)

4. Luo J.B., Thin film lubrication: molecular behaviors of confined liquids, Symposium on Tribology-Tribology in Daily Life, 2019/09/01-2019/09/04, Lyon, France. (Keynote)

5. Luo J.B., New Advances in Research on Superlubricity in Our Group, Tribology at the Silk Belt 2019, June 23-25, 2019, Belarus. (Keynote)

6. Luo J.B., New Advances in Research on Superlubricity, The 14th National Tribology Conference, November 10-13, 2019, Guangzhou, China. (Plenary)

7. Luo J.B., Molecular Behaviour in Thin Film Lubrication, The 6th ASIA International Conference on Tribology, 2018/09/16-2018/09/20, Kuching, Malaysia. (Plenary)

8. Luo J.B., Advances of Superlubricity, ITS-IFToMM/K-TIS 2017, 2017/03/19-2017/03/22, Jeju Island, South Korea. (Keynote)

9. Luo J.B., New developments in nanomanufacturing, 5th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2016), 2016/08/15-2016/08/17, Macao, China. (Keynote)

10. Luo J.B., “Advances in Liquid Superlubricity,” the Second international Brazilian Conference on Tribology-TriboBr-2014 and Exhibition, Nov. 3-5, 2014, Foz do lguaçu-Paraná, Brazil. (Plenary)

11. Luo J.B., “Superlubricity,” The 2014 Tribology Gordon Conference, Jul. 20-25, 2014, Boston, America. (Keynote)

12. Luo J.B. and Li J.J., “Advancements in superlubricity,” 19th International Colloquiums Tribology Industrial and Automotive Lubrication 2014 Ostfildern, Jan. 21-23, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany. (Plenary)

13. Luo J.B. and Guo D., “Tribology in nanomanufacturinginteraction between nanoparticles and workpiece during the manufacture of near perfect smooth (NPS) surfaces,” WTC-V, 2013, Sep. 8-13, 2013, Torino, Italy. (Plenary)

14. Luo J.B., “Effect of nanoparticles on CMP process of atomic-smooth surfaces,” 14th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surface, Jun. 17-21, 2013, Taibei. (Keynote)

15. Luo J.B., “Advances in thin film lubrication—superlubricity of liquid lubricants,” 3rd International Symposium on Tribology, IFToMM, Mar.18-21, 2013, Lulea, Sweden. (Plenary)

16. Luo J.B., “Nanomanufacturing—from tribology,” Innovation Forum for Young Scientists of China and Russia, Jul. 9-13, 2012, Moscow, Russia. (Keynote)

17. Luo J.B., “Progress in superlubricity of liquid lubricants,” 6th International Colloquium on Micro-Tribology, Sep. 9-13, 2012, Poland. (Keynote)

18. Luo J.B., “Thin film lubrication,” International Tribology Conference (ITC), Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2011, Hiroshima, Japan. (Plenary)

19. Luo J.B. and Hu Y.Z., “Tribology in China,” 4th ASIATRIB, Dec. 5-9, 2010, Perth, Western Australia. (Plenary)

20. Luo J.B., et al., “Progress in superlubricity of liquid lubricants,” Advance Forum on Tribology, Nov. 7-8, 2010, Morioka, Japan. (Keynote)

21. Luo J.B., “Interaction between a nanoparticle and worked surface in the manufacturing of ultra-smooth surfaces,” 2nd International Conference on Nanomanufacturing, nanoMan 2010, Sep. 24-26, 2010, Tianjin, China. (Keynote)

22. Luo J.B., “Advancements of tribology in nanomanufacturing,” 14th Nordtrib, Jun. 8-11, 2010, Lulea, Sweden. (Plenary)

23. Luo J.B. and Xie G.X., “Micro-bubble behaviors in nano-scale lubricating films under external electric field,” 2nd International Conference on Advanced Tribology, Dec. 3-5, 2008, Singapore. (Keynote)

24. Luo J.B., “Tribology in nanomanufacturing,” 5th China International Symposium on Tribology (CIST 2008) and 1st International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM (ITS-IFToMM 2008), Sep. 24-27, 2008, Beijing, China. (Plenary)

25. Luo J.B. and Liu S.H., “Research progress on thin film lubrication,” Annual Symposium of Lubricant Intelligence, September, 2007, Ningbo, China. (Plenary)

26. Luo J.B., et al., “Research on ultra-smooth surface manufacturing,” 5th Manufacturing Technology Symposium across Taiwan strait, Apr. 24-25, 2006, Taiwan. (Plenary)

27. Luo J.B. and Wen SZ, “Movements and collisions of nanoparticles,” Advances in Tribology 2005, Chinese-German Workshop, Sep. 5-8, 2005, Beijing, China. (Keynote)

28. Luo J.B., “Microwear of the surface collided with nano-particles,” Forefront of Tribology 2005, May 28-29, 2005, Kobe, Japan. (Plenary)

29. Luo J.B., et al., “Properties of nanoscale lubricant films under external electric fields,” 2006 National Conference on Triboloy-celebration of the 60th anniversary of Tribology, Jul. 25-29 2006, Harbin, China. (Plenary)

30. Luo J.B., et al., “Microwear of the surface collided with nano-particles,” Forefront of Tribology 2005, May 28-29, 2005, Kobe, Japan. (Keynote)

31. Luo J.B., et al., “Movements and collisions of nanoparticles,” Chinese-German Workshop: Advances in Tribology, Sep. 5-8, 2005, Beijing, China. (Keynote)

b)Invited Speeches

32. Luo J.B., New advance in superlubricity, The 74th Annual Meeting of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), 2019/05/19-2019/05/26, Nashville, USA. (Invited)

33. Luo J.B., Molecular behaviors in thin film lubrication, The 74th Annual Meeting of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE),2019/05/19-2019/05/26, Nashville, USA. (Invited)

34. Luo J.B., “Advancements in superlubricity,” International Conference on Engineering Tribology Technology 2014, Nov. 20-23, 2014, Taibei. (Invited)

35. Luo J.B., “Advances in Liquid Superlubricity,” Tribology in aerospace applications: damping, wear and structural dynamics in aerospace system, Oct. 6-10, 2014, Berlin, Germany. (Invited)

36. Luo J.B., “Advancements of liquid superlubricity,” ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC2012, Oct. 7-10, 2012, Denver, Colorado, USA. (Invited)

37. Luo J.B., “Investigation of nanoparticles acting on a solid surface in CMP process,” nanoMan2012, Jul. 25-27, 2012, Japan. (Invited)

38. Luo JB, “Tribology in nanomanufacturing of ultra-smooth surface,” 5th International Colloquium Micro-Tribology 2009, Sep. 20-24, 2009, Poland. (Invited)

39. Luo J.B., “The characteristics of thin film lubrication under external electric field,” 33rd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Sep. 12-15, 2006, Leeds, UK. (Invited)

40. Luo J.B., “Movements and collision of nano-particles in two phases flow,” 4th Sino-German-Symposium on “Microsystems and Nanotechnology,” Apr. 17-21, 2005, Braunschweig, Germany. (Invited)

41. Luo J.B., “Variations of the surface layer during chemical mechanical polish,” Indo-Chinese Workshop on MEMS Devices and Related Technologies, Apr. 5-7, 2006, New Delhi, India. (Invited)

42. Luo J.B., “Variation of the surface layer in CMP of HDD discs,” ECS-SEMI International Semiconductor Technology Conference (ISTC 2006), Mar. 21-23, Shanghai, China. (Invited)

43. Luo J.B., “Advances in thin film lubrication,” Chinese-British Tribology Symposium, Oct. 13-15, 2006, Beijing, China. (Invited)

44. Luo J.B., et al., “Polishing for atomic smooth surfaces,” The 4th China International Symposium on Tribology, CIST’ 2004. Nov. 8-11, 2004, Xi’an, China. (Invited)

45. Luo J.B., Xu J, Duan FL, et al., “Polishing for atomic smooth surfaces”, The 4th China International Symposium on Tribology, CIST’ 2004. Nov. 8-11, 2004, Xi’an, China. (Invited)

46. Luo J.B., “From thin film lubrication to surface processing and modification of computer hard disk", 4th Youth Conference of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Dec. 7-9, 2002, Beijing, China. (Invited)

47. Luo J.B., “Surface processing and modification of computer hard disk”, 7th National Conference on Triboloy, Aug. 5-9, 2002, Lanzhou, China. (Invited)

c) Other Papers Presented in International Conferences

48. Ma LR, Zhang SH, Liu YH, Luo JB, “Observation in situ of lubricant variation in thin film lubrication,” 19th International Colloquiums Tribology Industrial and Automotive Lubrication 2014 Ostfildern, Jan. 21-23, 2014, Stuttgart, Germany.

49. Guo D, Xiao HP, Pan GS, Luo JB, “Film thickness of ionic liquids under high contact pressures,” WTC-V, 2013 Sep. 8-13, 2013, Torino, Italy.

50. Li JJ, Zhang CH, Luo JB, “Tribochemistry and superlubricity induced by hydrogen ions,” 3rd international Symposium on Tribolgy of IFToMM, 2013, Lulea, Sweden.

51. Li JJ, Zhang CH, Luo JB, “New method to achieve superlubricity with acid and glycerol solutions,” WTC-V, 2013 Sep. 8-13, 2013, Torino, Italy.

52. Li JJ, Luo JB, “Superlubricity mechanism of brasenia schreberi mucilage,” The ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, Oct. 7-10, 2012, Denver, Colorado, USA.

53. Li JJ, Zhang CH Luo JB, “Friction process of superlubricity,” The ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, Oct. 7-10, 2012, Denver, Colorado, USA.

54. Zhao ZK, He YY, Yang HF, Lu XC, Luo JB, “Effects of oxygen plasma on ultralow-k thin film for the deposition of diffusion barrier nanoadhesive in Cu interconnect,” 6th International Colloquium on Micro-Tribology, Sep.9-13, 2012, Poland.

55. Ma LR, Zhang CH, Luo JB, “Behavior of O/W emulsion under point contact,” The ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, Oct. 7-10, 2012, Denver, Colorado, USA.

56. Li JJ, Zhang CH, Luo JB, “Superlubricity behavior with phosphoric acid-water network,” 6th China International Symposium on Tribology, Aug. 19-22, 2011, Lanzhou, China.

57. Xie GX, Luo JB, Guo D, Li G, “Damages on the lubricated surfaces in bearings under the action of weak electrical currents,” Nordtrib, Jun. 8-11, 2010, Lulea, Sweden.

58. Ma LR, Luo JB, Zhang CH, Ma ZZ, Wang Y, Dai YJ, “The film forming characteristics of a new kind super-lubricative lubricant,” WTC-IV, Sep. 6-11, 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

59. Liu SH, Guo D, Luo JB, Zhang CH, “Lubricating and rheological properties of sodium hyaluronate under physiological conditions,” WTC-IV, Sep. 6-11, 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

60. Ma LR, Luo JB, Zhang CH, “Effect of particle distributions on the film forming characteristics of oil-in-water emulsion,” CIST 2008, Sep. 24-27, 2008, Beijing, China.

61. Xie GX, Luo JB, “Effect of liquid properties on the micro-bubble behavior induced by EEF in liquid films confined within nanogap,” CIST 2008, Sep. 24-27, 2008, Beijing, China.

62. Xu XF, Luo JB, “Marangoni stress and its effects on the flow in an evaporating sessile droplet,” CIST 2008, Sep. 24-27, 2008, Beijing, China.

63. Li G, Zhang CH, Luo JB, Liu SH, Lu XC, “Film characteristics of grease in point contact under micro-swaying motion,” CIST 2008, Sep. 24-27, 2008, Beijing, China.

64. Ma LR, Luo JB, Zhang CH, Liu SH, Guo D, “Experimental analysis of film forming mechanism of oil-in-water emulsion,” 2007, STLE Annual Meeting, May 6-10, 2007, Philadelphia, USA.

65. Xie GX, Luo JB, Liu SH, Zhang CH, Lu XC, “Effect of external electric field on static water based film confined within nanoscale gap,” STLE Annual Meeting, May 6-10, 2007, Philadelphia, USA.

66. Xu XF, Luo JB, “The behaviors of nanoparticles in liquid jet impacting on solid surface”, STLE Annual Meeting, May 6-10, 2007, Philadelphia, US.

67. Luo JB, Pan GS, Xu J, “The manufacturing of atomic smooth surfaces by CMP,” Sino-German Precision Manufacturing Science and Technology, Apr. 17-21, 2005, Germany.

68. Xu J, Luo JB, Pan GS, Duan FL, Xu XF, Yan J, Lu XC, “Variation of the surface layer with collisions of nanoparticles,” WTC-III, Sep. 12-16, 2005, Washington, USA.

69. Luo JB, Xu J, Duan FL, Pan GS, Lu XC, “Variations of surface layer collided with nano-particles,” 1st International Conference on Advanced Tribology, Dec. 1-3, 2004, Singapore.

70. Luo JB, Wen SZ, Zhong J, “Challenge to tribology owing to the development of micro-nanomanufacture industry,” The 2nd Advance Seminar in Engineering (Tribology Science and Engineering) by Chinese Academy of Engineering and National Natural Science of Foundation, Dec. 25-26, 2004, Beijing, China.

71. Luo JB, Lawrence L, Shi B, Wen SZ, “Thin film lubrication and lubrication map,” 26th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Sep.14-17, 1999, Leeds, UK.

72. Shen MW, Luo JB, Wen SZ, Yao JB, “Study on the properties of liquid crystals as lubricant additive in thin film lubrication regime,” 26th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Sep.14-17, 1999, Leeds, UK.

73. Shi B, Luo JB, Lu XC, “Study on the synthesis, preparation of LB film and tribological properties of PS-PEO and PEOX,” 26th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Sep.14-17, 1999, Leeds, UK.

74. Luo JB, Wen SZ, Huang P, “Characteristics of fluid lubricant films at the nanometer scale in pure rolling process,” Proc. of the First Asia International Conference on Tribology, 342-348, 1998, Beijing, China.

75. Huang P, Luo JB, Wen SZ, “Theoretical study on lubrication failure for lubricants with a limiting shear stress,” Proc. of the First Asia International Conference on Tribology, 1-5, 1998, Beijing, China.

76. Huang P, Luo JB, Wen SZ, “A fast and effective numerical approach for calculating EHL film thickness and pressure,” Proc. of the First Asia International Conference on Tribology, 61-66, 1998, Beijing, China.

77. Qian LQ, Wen SZ, Luo JB, “Preperation of PS-PEO and Micro-tribological Studies of PS-PEO LB films,” Proc. of the First Asia International Conference on Tribology, 349-353, 1998, Beijing, China.

78. Luo JB, Wen SZ, Sheng XY, “Substrate surface energy effects on liquid lubricant film at nanometer scale,” Surface Engineering Toward the 21st Century, Ed. by Xu BS, China Machine Press, 1997, 488-492.

79. Sheng XY, Luo JB, Wen SZ, “Development of super fine powder MoS2+Graphite+PTFE bonded coating and its friction reduction ability,” Surface Engineering Toward the 21st Century, Ed. by Xu BS, China Machine Press, 1997, 496-500.

80. Wen SZ, Luo JB, “Film thickness measurement at nanometer scale using relative optical interference intensity,” 4th International Conference on Nano Technique and Science, Sep. 8-12, 1996, Beijing, China.

81. Luo JB, Wen SZ, et al., “Study on the characteristics of lubricant film at nanometer scale,” Proc. of International Tribology Conference, Han Lim Won Publishing Corporation. 1083-1088, 1995, Yokohama, Japan.


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