Tianmin Shao

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Building 9003, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China

Tel.: +86-10-62783160;

Fax: +86-10-62781319


属性1 Professor of Mechanical Engineering 属性2 Building 9003, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China
属性3 Tel.: +86-10-62783160; 属性4 Fax: +86-10-62781319
属性5 E-mail:shaotm@tsinghua.edu.cn 属性6
Education background

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Tribology), Petroleum and Gas Institute, Ploiesti, Romania, 1992.7

M.S., Daqing Petroleum Institute, China, 1986.7

B.S., Daqing Petroleum Institute, China, 1982.7


Professor: State Key Lab. of Tribology Tsinghua Univ.,2005.12-, full time

Associate Professor: State Key Lab. of Tribology Tsinghua Univ., 1995.8-2005.12, full time

Lecture: State Key Lab. of Tribology Tsinghua Univ., 1994.10-1995.8, full time

Post-Doctoral Fellow: State Key Lab. of Tribology at Tsinghua Univ., 1992.12-1994.10, full time

Assistant, Lecturer: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Daqing Petroleum Institute, 1986.7-1989.9, full time

Research Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Management, City Univ. of Hong Kong, 2004.1-2004.3.

Researcher Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Management, City Univ. of Hong Kong, 2002.3-2002.9.

Teaching work

Fundamentals of Surface Engineering

Laser Surface Modification

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects


Surface Texturing

Friction and Wear of Materials


Academic Achievement

[1] Hongfei Shang, Jian Li and Tianmin Shao,Mechanical properties and thermal stability of TiAlN/Ta multilayer film deposited by ion beam assisted deposition,Applied Surface Science, 2014, 310: 317–320.

[2] Jun Xu, Tianmin Shao, Study of SiNx films used as protective layer on Ni film flow sensors,Surface and Coatings Technology,2014, 253(2014):38-43.

[3] Tianmin Shao, Ximei Wang, Xiao Huang, Hongfei Shang and Shiyu Hu, Tribological performance of textured coatings, International Ceramic Congress 2014 CIMTEC2014,June,Montecatini Terme, Italy, Invited Talk.

[4] T Shao, H Shang, K Su, S Wei, X Wang, Advances in thin solid coatings, The 5th Advanced Forum on Tribology 2014, April, Fuji Japan, Keynote Talk.

[5] Yuanyue Zhang and Tianmin Shao, Contact electrification between polymers and steel, Journal of Electrostatics, 2013, 71:862-866.

[6] Yuanyue Zhang and Tianmin Shao, Effect of contact deformation on contact electrification: A first principles calculation, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2013, 46(23): 235304.

[7] Yuanyue Zhang and Tianmin Shao, A method of charge measurement for contact electrification, Journal of Electrostatics, 2013,71(4):712-716.

[8] Zhang Yuan-Yue, Shao Tian-Min and Su Kang, First-principles study of electronic properties of interfacial atoms in metal–metal contact electrification,Chin. Phys. B. 2013, 22(5):053403.

[9] Jun Xu, Tianmin Shao,Thickness dependence of the structural, mechanical and electrical properties of Ni films deposited on polyimide by ion beam assisted deposition, Surface and Interface Analysis,2013, 45(3): 691–697.

[10] Tianmin Shao, Corrosion resistance and mechanical property of nitride /metal multilayer coatings, 5th China-UK Symposium on Marine Tribology and Corrosion Aspects, August 2013, Qindao China, Keynote Talk.

[11] X.Huang, H.Kasem, HF.Shang, Tianmin Shao and I. Etsion: Experimental study of a potential weakening effect in spheres with thin hard coatings, Wear, 2012, 296(1-2):590-597.

[12] Songbo Wei, Tianmin Shao, Jun Xu, Investigation of carbon nitride films deposited by ion beam-assisted deposition with low bombarding energy of N ions, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012,135(2-3): 733-737.

[13] Songbo Wei, Tianmin Shao, Jun Xu, Effect of bombarding energy of N ions on composition, hardness and surface free energy of carbon nitride films, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2012,206 (19-20):3944-3948.

[14] Jiachen Liu, Dameng Liu, Tianmin Shao,FDTD simulation on laser-induced enhancement of electric field in the near-field apertureless probe system, Laser Physics Letters, 2012,9(7):511-518.

[15] Songbo Wei, Tianmin Shao, Peng Ding, Improvement of orthodontic friction by coating archwire with carbon nitride film,Applied Surface Science 2011,257(24): 10333-10337.

[16] Songbo Wei, Tianmin Shao, Peng Ding, Study of CNx films coated 316L stainless steel for dental applications, Diamond and Related Materials, 2010,19(5-6): 648–653.

[17] J Xu, T Shao, S Wei, L Qin Effects of ion beam bombardment on the properties of polyimide and Ni films deposited on polyimide by ion beam assisted deposition, Surf. & Coats. Tech., 2010,204(21-22):3443-3450.

[18] Tianmin Shao, Progress in Laser Surface Texturing, Keynote Talk, The 4th World Tribology Congress WTC2009, Kyoto, Japan, Sep.2009.


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