Yu Tian

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Room 4502, Building 9003, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel.: +86-10-62782981

Fax: +86-10-62781379

E-mail: tianyu@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

属性1 Professor of Mechanical Engineering 属性2 Room 4502, Building 9003, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
属性3 Tel.: +86-10-62782981 属性4 Fax: +86-10-62781379
属性5 E-mail: tianyu@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn 属性6
Education background

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2001.12

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, 1998.7


State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Professor, 2009.12-Present, full time

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Visiting Scholar, 2011.3-2011.7, full time

State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Associate Prof., 2004.12-2009.12, full time

University of California, Santa Barbara, Postdoctoral Research, 2005.7-2007.6, full time

State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Assistant Prof., 2002.2-2004.11, full time

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Science and technology at the interface of physics, materials, engineering and biology to understand the physical laws of adhesion, friction and rheology that govern material properties as they scale from molecular to nano to meso to macro.

The principles and techniques for hierarchical nanomanufacturing and patterning with controllable surface and structure functionalities, Smart or biomimetic micro/nano devices, Surface modifications to benefit advanced lubrication, wear prevention, active friction control, and bio-medical applications.

Honors And Awards

Young Scholar Achievement Award of the Society of Mechanical Engineering of China (1/6 of the year, 1/44 from the year 1991) (2011.12)

Outstanding Young Scholar Award of the Chinese Tribology Institute (1/2 of the year, 1/4 from the year 2009) (2009.10)

Outstanding Young Academic Award of Tsinghua University (1/10 of the year) (2009.5)

The Second Class Prize of Natural Science Research in University of China (2008.11)

New Century Excellent Talents in University of China (2007.10)

Huaxin Distinguished Scientist Scholarship of Tsinghua University (1/2 of the year) (2005.2)

National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of P. R. China (1/96 of the year) (2004.9)

Academic Achievement

[1] Yu Tian, Jin Wan, Noshir Pesika, Ming Zhou, Bridging nanocontacts to macroscale gecko adhesion by sliding soft lamellar skin supported setal array, Scientific Reports 2013,3:1382.

[2] Ming Zhou, Noshir Pesika,Hongbo Zeng, Jin Wan,Xiangjun Zhang, Yonggang Meng, Shizhu Wen, Yu Tian, Numerical study on the peeling behavior of Gecko mimic regular pillar array surfaces, Journal Royal Society of Interface 2012, 75: 2424-2436.

[3] Ming Zhou, Kai Liu, Jin Wan, Xiao Li, Kaili Jiang, Hongbo Zeng, Yonggang Meng, Shizhu Wen, Hongwei Zhu, Yu Tian, Anisotropic Interfacial Friction of Inclined Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube Array Surface, Carbon 2012, 50: 5372-5379.

[4] Kejia Jin, Yu Tian, Jeffrey Erickson, Jonathan Puthoff, Kellar Autumn, Noshir S. Pesika*, The Design and Fabrication of Gecko-inspired Adhesives, Langmuir 2012, 28: 5737-5742.

[5] Yu Tian, Jile Jiang, Yonggang Meng, Shizhu Wen, A shear thickening phenomenon in magnetic field controlled-dipolar suspensions, Applied Physics Letters 2010, 97:151904.

[6] Yu Tian, Minliang Zhang, Xuli Zhu, Yonggang Meng, Shizhu Wen, Ultrahigh yield stress in a general electrorheological fluid under compression, Smart Mater. & Struct. 2010, 19: 035009.

[7] Yu Tian, Xuli Zhu, Jile Jiang, Yonggang Meng, ShizhuWen, Structure factor of electrorheological fluids in compressive flow, Smart Mater. & Struct. 2010, 19:105024.

[8] Yu Tian, Hongbo Zeng, Travers Anderson, Boxin Zhao, Patricia McGuiggan, Jacob Israelachvili*, Transient filamentous network structure of a colloidal suspension excited by stepwise electric fields, Physical Review E 2007, 75: 011409.

[9] Yu Tian, Noshir Pesika, Hongbo Zeng, Kenny Rosenberg, Boxin Zhao, Patricia McGuiggan, Kellar Autumn, Jacob Israelachvili*, Adhesion and friction in gecko toe attachment and detachment, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2006, 103:19320-19325.

[10] Yu Tian, Yongang Meng, Shizhu Wen, Shear-strain-governed transient compressive response of electrorheological fluid, Applied Physics Letters 2006, 88: 094106.


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