Wenxiu Lu

Associate Professor

Address: Room A1034, Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel: +86-10-62788308

Fax: +86-10-62788308

E-mail: luwenxiu@tsinghua.edu.cn

属性1 Associate Professor 属性2 Address: Room A1034, Lee Shau Kee Science and Technology Building, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
属性3 Tel: +86-10-62788308 属性4 Fax: +86-10-62788308
属性5 E-mail: luwenxiu@tsinghua.edu.cn 属性6
Education background

B.E. (Mechanical Design and Manufacture) 1997, Tsinghua University, Beijing

P.H.D. (Mechanical Design and Theory) 2003, Tsinghua University, Beijing


Dept. of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, China, 2003

Post-doctor (2003/01 –2005/03)

Lecturer (2005/04 – 2009/11)

Associate Professor (2009/12 –2012/12)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, 2013

Associate Professor (2013/01 – Present)

Teaching work

Teaching Courses:

(1) Theory of Machines and Mechanisms

(2) Practice for Mechanical Design

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Mechanical Dynamics

Failure mechanism of device performance

Fault diagnosis method of rotating machinery

Papers and Patents

(1) Wei SH, Lu WX, Chu FL, Speed characteristics of disk-shaft system with rotating part looseness, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 469:115127

(2) Zhang Yu, Lu Wenxiu, Chu Fulei, Planet gear fault localization for wind turbine gearbox using acoustic emission signals, Renewable Energy, 2017.8, 109: 449~460

(3) Lu Wenxiu, Chu Fulei, Radial and torsional vibration characteristics of a rub rotor, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014.4, 76(1): 529~549

(4) Si XH, Lu WX, Chu FL, Modal analysis of circular plates with radial side cracks and in contact with water on one side based on the Rayleigh-Ritz method , Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2012.1.2, 331(1): 231~251

(5) Si Xiaohui, Lu Wenxiu, Chu Fulei, Dynamic analysis of rectangular plates with a single side crack and in contact with water on one side based on the Rayleigh-Ritz method, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2012.10, 34: 90~104

(6) Lu Wenxiu, Chu Fulei, Shaft crack identification based on vibration and AE signals, Shock and Vibration, 2011, 18(1-2): 115~126

(7) Si Xiaohui, Lu Wenxiu, Chu Fulei, Lateral vibration of hydroelectric generating set with different supporting condition of thrust pad , Shock and Vibration, 2011, 18(1-2): 317~331

(8) Lu Wenxiu, Chu Fulei, Condition monitoring and fault diagnostics of wind turbines , 2010 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, PHM '10, Macau, China, 2010.1.12-2010.1.14

(9) Lu Wenxiu, Chu Fulei, Experimental investigation of pedestal looseness in a rotor-bearing system , Key Engineering Materials, 2009, 413-414 : 599~605

(10) Chu Fulei, Lu Wenxiu, Stiffening effect of the rotor during the rotor-to-stator rub in a rotating machine , Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007.12.4, 308(3-5): 758~766

Honors And Awards

"Hydro unit condition monitoring and fault diagnosis technology and its application" won the second prize of Science and Technology of education ministry, ranked 4, 2006

"Hydro unit condition monitoring and fault diagnosis technology and its application" won the first prize of Natural Science of education ministry, ranked 3, 2011


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