Gang Zhu




属性1 技术职务:讲席教授,首席研究员,博士生导师 属性2 通讯地址:清华大学李兆基科技大楼A1016
属性3 电子邮件 属性4
属性5 属性6

1993.9-1996.6 清华大学工程力学系,博士

1990.9-1993.6 西安交通大学动力机械工程系,硕士

1986.9-1990.6 西安交通大学工程力学系,学士


2024.6-至今 清华大学机械工程系,讲席教授,首席研究员

2019.6-2024.1 国家增材制造创新中心,副总工程师,装备研究所所长,创新设计研究所所长

2011.5-2019.5 2H海洋工程公司,首席工程师

2005.6-2011.4 约翰克兰公司,高级分析师

2004.10-2005.5 英国海洋技术公司,高级咨询师

2002.1-2004.9 ANSYS公司,高级CFD工程师

1999.4-2001.12 帝国理工学院航空工程系,博士后

1997.6-1999.3 牛津大学工程系,博士后

1996.7-1997.5 利物浦大学电子及电气工程系,访问学者


在欧洲工作二十余年,就职于多家大学及跨国公司,包括Oxford University, Imperial College, ANSYS,John Crane等,先后担任高级工程师,核心技术经理,首席工程师,技术总监等。与Rolls Royce航空发动机公司、BAE Systems公司、Airbus公司、BP公司、TOTAL公司等多年合作。在机械密封,航空工程,海洋工程,仿真软件,3D打印设备及应用等领域有丰富的经验。






1. G. Zhu, P. W. Bearman, J.M.R. Graham, Prediction of Drag and Lift of Wings from Velocity and Vorticity Fields, The Aeronautical Journal, No 3175, Invited Paper, November 2007, pp699-704,

2. G. Zhu, P.W. Bearman, J.M.R. Graham, Prediction of Drag and Lift Using Velocity and Vorticity Fields, The Aeronautical Journal, No. 2722, October 2002, pp547-554 .

3. G. Zhu, A.G.L. Borthwick, R. Eatock Taylor, A Finite Element Model of Interaction Between Viscous Free Surface Waves and Submerged Cylinders, Ocean Engineering, 28 (8):989-1008 Aug 2001.

4. G. Zhu, M. Shen, Q. Liu, B. Wang. Tensor Universal Serendipity Elements and Unsteady Taylor-Galerkin Finite Element Method, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, Feb 1996, Vol. 12, No.1, Allerton press, Inc., New York, U. S. A., pp 15-23

5. G. Zhu, M. Shen, etc. Multilevel Gernalized Finite Elements for Transonic Viscous Flow Computation in Turbine Cascades, ACTA AERONAUTICA ET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 1996, Vol.17, No.2, pp144-148

6. G. Zhu, M. Shen, Q. Liu, B. Wang, Construction of Modified Taylor-Galerkin Finite Elements and Its Application in Compressible Flow Computation, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, English Edition, Vol.17, No.4, Apr. 1996, pp333-339.

7. G. Zhu, M.Shen, Q.Liu, B. Wang, Anisotropic Multistage Finite Element Method for Two Dimensional Viscous Transonic Flow in Turbomachinery, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, Feb 1995, Vol. 11, No.1, Allerton Press, Inc., New York, U. S. A.,pp 15-19

8. G. Zhu, C. Gu, Q. Hu, A Modification of Taylor-Galerkin Finite Element Method and Its Application, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, English Edition, Vol.14, No.12, Dec 1993, pp1173-1179

9. K. Meck, G. Zhu, Improving Mechanical Seal Reliability With Advanced Computational Engineering Tools, part 1: FEA, Sealing Technology, Volume 2008, Issue 1, January 2008, Pages 8-11

10. K. Meck, G. Zhu, Improving Mechanical Seal Reliability With Advanced ComputationaEngineering Tools, part 2: CFD and Application Examples, Sealing Technology, Volume 2008, Issue 2, February 2008, Pages 7-10

11. B. Li, G. Zhu, J Liu, etc, Electric Pulse 3D Printing of Metallic Glass Ribbons, Material Letters 316(2022) 131965

12. B. Li, B. Wang, G. Zhu, Low-Roughness-Surface Additive Manufacturing of Metal-Wire Feeding with Small Power, Materials, 2021, 14, 4265




2019年 国家海外高层次人才引进计划

2019年 科技部高端外国专家引进计划

2020年 西安市国家级领军人才


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