State Key Laboratory of Tribology in Advanced Equipment

Jan 5, 2024

Introduction to the Laboratory

The State Key Laboratory of Tribology in Advanced Equipment is a key laboratory based on the reorganization of the former State Key Laboratory of Tribology at Tsinghua University, and also one of the first 20 reorganized national key laboratories in China. Established in 1988, the laboratory is one of the first national key laboratories established by Tsinghua University in the field of mechanical engineering in China.

The laboratory mainly copes with basic researches and applications on tribology and micro/nano manufacturing, and also conducts relevant application researches and provides technical consulting services. Its research fields include friction, wear, lubrication, sealing, surface and interface, micro/nano manufacturing, intelligent machinery, biomachinery, micro/nano optoelectronic devices, etc. The laboratory has undertaken many scientific research projects, such as the National Major Science and Technology Project, the 973 and 863 Programs, the Major and Key Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, as well as international and corporate cooperation projects. These researches have made important contributions to the development of science and technology and national economy. The State Key Laboratory of Tribology in Advanced Equipment, Tsinghua University is an important scientific research and talent training base in China in the fields of tribology and micro/nano manufacturing.

Faculty Members

The State Key Laboratory of Tribology in Advanced Equipment boasts a research team with multidisciplinary features. It currently consists of 101 faculty members, including three CAS academicians, one CAE academician, 19 National High-level Talents, 23 National Young Talents, and many new century talents recognized by the Ministry of Education. In 2005, the research team with key members from the laboratory was selected as the Innovative Research Team by the Ministry of Education. In 2008, the research team with key members from the laboratory was awarded the Innovative Research Group by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and received consecutive funding in 2011 and 2014.

Research Directions

More than thirty years of development and growth has turned the laboratory into a scientific research and talent training base that exerts a considerable influence on international tribology and plays an important role in China's tribology and micro/nano manufacturing. To meet the demands for national construction and discipline development, the laboratory strives to conduct basic, strategic and prospective scientific researches, focusing on surface and interface problems. After many years of development, the State Key Laboratory of Tribology in Advanced Equipment has established three major research directions facing the frontiers of subject development and the major national demands, that is, core interface technology for IC manufacturing equipment, core interface technology for cutting-edge equipment, and interface science of high-end equipment and top-down design theory of interface performance.

Talent Development

Since the establishment, the State Key Laboratory of Tribology in Advanced Equipment has trained a large number of high-level talents including postdoctoral fellows, doctoral students, and master's students. The laboratory has admitted more than 100 postdoctoral researchers, and recruited more than 400 doctoral students, of whom over 200 have obtained doctorate degrees, and more than 400 master's students, of whom over 300 have obtained master's degrees. Five doctoral dissertations were listed as the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations. The laboratory teachers offer many basic professional courses and high-level experimental courses for undergraduates and postgraduates at Tsinghua University, majored in mechanical manufacturing, mechanical design, and MEMS engineering. Talents at all levels cultivated by the laboratory have made significant contributions to the international academic community, key national enterprise and public institutions, and famous multinational companies.

Research Achievements

Since the establishment in 1988, the State Key Laboratory of Tribology in Advanced Equipment has won a great number of awards, including six prizes of the State Natural Science Award, five prizes of the State Technological Invention Award, four prizes of the State Science and Technology Advancement Award, two prizes of the National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Book Award, over 60 provincial and ministerial awards, one prize of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award for Science and Technology, one Science and Technology Achievement Award of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, two Highest Achievement Awards of the Tribology Branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, one International Award of the American Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, one Best Paper Award of the American Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, and one Best Paper Award 2008 of the Journal of Engineering Tribology of the British Institution of Mechanical Engineers; and has published more than 4,000 academic papers, of which more than 3,000 have been included in SCI, as well as 30-plus academic monographs. In the past five years, the laboratory has been authorized more than 1,400 Chinese invention patents, and has undertaken and completed over 500 major scientific research projects of various types.


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Address:A401, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Wudaokou, Haidian District, Beijing(School Map)

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