Beijing Undergraduate Mechanical Innovation Design Competition

Mar 26, 2024

The 10th Beijing Undergraduate Mechanical Innovation Design Competition, also known as the Beijing Mechanical Design Competition, took place online from September 26 to 27, 2020. Out of the 450 participating teams, 3 teams from the DME achieved excellent results, securing two first prizes and one third prize. Notably, the “Home Intelligent Pill Box”, a project developed by Yu Zongze, Zhou Ran, and Xiao Xuan under the guidance of Mr. Suo Shuangfu from the Design Institute, earned the recommendation to participate in the 9th National Undergraduate Mechanical Innovation Design Competition, where 16 entries from Beijing were selected.

The biennial Beijing Mechanical Design Competition is an event that holds significance across all universities in Beijing, as it is a platform for students in mechanical disciplines to display their skills and compete with peers. It is worth mentioning that the 3 winning teams had previously achieved success in the Tsinghua University Mechanical Innovation Design Competition held in December 2019.



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